What does Mindsetup mean?

By |2021-03-02T14:55:08+00:00March 2nd, 2021|

Quite a few people have recently asked me about my story and what does Mindsetup mean. Firstly, because everything in leadership and business starts with mindset. Secondly, it dawned on me that I have never really shared the story. You might also connect the mindset part with the project management part so if you do, [...]

Why Is Everyone Talking About Resilience? Part 1

By |2021-01-21T18:08:21+00:00January 21st, 2021|

There is a lot of talk about the words and phrases of 2020 having been ‘pivot’, ‘adapt’, ‘unprecedented’ or ‘you’re on mute…’. For me the word which everyone is talking about is ‘resilience’. I feel this is something that will grow even more prominent this year. In this blog I’m going to explore what it [...]

How to scale up as a leader

By |2020-09-17T13:23:42+01:00September 17th, 2020|

I have worked with businesses and their leaders who have experienced rapid growth but then find cracks in the foundations. These challenges can often be alleviated with improved infrastructure, knowledge or training but typically the most challenging area is how to scale up as a leader. There is a lot of information out there supporting [...]

Productivity books summarised for all the tips, tricks and hacks

By |2020-08-10T12:54:17+01:00August 10th, 2020|

Sometimes we find inspiration in books on the first page, others seem to take an age to get through. And funnily enough, as we’re talking productivity here it should be simple to find the tips, tricks and hacks we’re all looking for! Books on personal development and the business success are big sellers but where [...]

The New Way of Working

By |2020-07-27T22:24:09+01:00July 27th, 2020|

Getting back to work seems to be the key incentive for a lot of businesses currently. But how do you ensure as a leader both you and your teams are motivated, productive and better-connected whilst working remotely? What is the new way of working? Who wants normal anyway? I don’t know about you, but I’m [...]

What’s next for employees?

By |2022-11-23T00:15:04+00:00June 2nd, 2020|

There is a lot of talk about leaders and managers currently as we’re broaching the Back to Business mentality, but what about employees? Life, as we knew it, will not be the same in the business landscape after the past few months. With cultural shifts in the workplace there are challenges for how to treat [...]

Use my time more effectively you say? But how?

By |2023-02-05T11:25:59+00:00April 8th, 2020|

We are in uncharted territory in our working days and understandably, a lot of us are staring at our computers in our make-shift office. It's common to be unmotivated, confused and bewildered. How can we use our time more effectively? Beware of the social media whirlwind There is a lot out there on social media about how [...]

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