Is It Possible To Change Behaviours In Teams?
Business, like life, is built on relationships and putting the right people together to achieve the end goal. This ‘putting together’ is normally left to the leader of a team to use their insight and experience to put the people with the best personalities, experience and skillset for the matter at hand. However, [...]
Should leaders show vulnerability?
The fabulous Brené Brown describes vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure". It is that unstable feeling we get when we step out of our comfort zone or do something that forces us to loosen control. I would say it’s most definitely a strength and not a weakness, but should leaders show vulnerability? Stepping out [...]
Is being introverted or extroverted better?
What is so amazing about us humans is we are like fingerprints, grains of sand or snowflakes. Everybody is completely different. There is no two of a kind but occasionally, the business world doesn’t realise this. I enjoy working with a number of teams which are brimming with different types of people – [...]
Should You Listen To Your Head Or Your Gut In Business
Speak to any business owner or leader and they all have a tale of woe about when they didn’t trust their gut or went against their instinct. It’s the same in life, isn’t it. Our instinct is often right but in business other factors can get in the way. We can put money, [...]
Small Businesses Need Support Too
Small business owners are a unique bunch – they are resilient, brave, hard-working and, often, master of all trades because, well, they have to be! SMEs account for 99.9% of the business population (6.0 million businesses). And at the start of 2020 there were 5.94 million small businesses (with 0 to 49 employees). [...]
You’re Only As Good As Your Team
Have you heard the phrase, ‘you’re only as good as your team’? Really great leaders live and breathe this. This is when you get the wonderful power of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. Together, everyone achieves more. Now, let me say it as it is. There are the [...]
What Exactly is a Business Consultant?
When I get asked what I am, I say I am a business consultant, but what exactly is a business consultant? ‘Consultant’ can be a very broad term for many areas of business improvement. And sometimes it comes with the connotation of someone swanning in and not doing an awful lot. We’ve all [...]
Why Listening is Your Biggest Asset as a Leader
How would you say your listening skills are? Do you really listen to your team and take note of what they say? More importantly, do you know what to listen out for in what they don’t say. Being an empathetic and active listener is a key ingredient to being a good leader. Not [...]
What does Mindsetup mean?
Quite a few people have recently asked me about my story and what does Mindsetup mean. Firstly, because everything in leadership and business starts with mindset. Secondly, it dawned on me that I have never really shared the story. You might also connect the mindset part with the project management part so if [...]
Why Is Everyone Talking About Resilience: Part 2
This feels like a very timely post to write following on from my recent post on why everyone is talking about resilience. Last time I wrote about how to support others and this part explores what you can do for yourself and what's needed in business. Why is resilience such an issue in [...]
Why Is Everyone Talking About Resilience? Part 1
There is a lot of talk about the words and phrases of 2020 having been ‘pivot’, ‘adapt’, ‘unprecedented’ or ‘you’re on mute…’. For me the word which everyone is talking about is ‘resilience’. I feel this is something that will grow even more prominent this year. In this blog I’m going to explore [...]
Smart Bidding: Top Tips On How To Tender Successfully
It was a real pleasure to chair the recent Smart Bidding event as part of the Catch the Wave business support programme for the Brighton Chamber on 3 December. Having spent many years managing bid teams and running major pursuits, I find these events to be so informative and relatable for small businesses. With the [...]
Getting the Balance Right Between Work and Home
Getting the balance right between work and home is tricky – it’s like the Holy Grail at the moment isn’t it? There is a lot out there about work/life balance and self-care but the pressure of that in itself can be overwhelming. But by going back to basics, balance is definitely in reach. [...]
How To Lead When Our Motivation Has Gone AWOL
It’s November, and normally at this point in the year we are all feeling a bit tired and ready for a break. But, this has been no normal year. We might feel exhausted, unrested, anxious and stressed so it’s no wonder it's hard to lead when our motivation has gone AWOL! I recently [...]