The New Way of Working

By |2020-07-27T22:24:09+01:00July 27th, 2020|

Getting back to work seems to be the key incentive for a lot of businesses currently. But how do you ensure as a leader both you and your teams are motivated, productive and better-connected whilst working remotely? What is the new way of working? Who wants normal anyway? I don’t know about you, but I’m [...]

Why change is good

By |2022-11-23T00:19:48+00:00January 29th, 2020|

Are you fearful of change or do you embrace it? Change happens and we can’t do anything about that, however, we can control how we react to it. Let's discuss why change is good. Have you read ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ by Dr Spencer Johnson? It’s a fantastically funny little book about four characters who [...]

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