What does a leader look like in the 20s?
It’s a new decade and times are changing on the leadership landscape We’ve entered 2020 – a brand new year and a new decade and look at the leaders around us. Whatever your political views are, it’s pretty clear that there are questionable leadership styles in the UK and the US. Arguably these [...]
What would you do if you had more time?
We’re all aware of how we use resources; how we reduce, reuse and recycle and are being more thoughtful on what resources we truly need. Too often we don’t think about time, yet it’s the resource which is finite. So, what would you do if you had more time? How often do you hear someone say: ‘there’s [...]
Looking back on 2019 and planning for 2020
How would you say 2019 has treated you? Did you get that promotion you wanted or the bonus you deserved? Did you achieve the work/life balance you set out for and are enjoying the rewards? In January, we’re all gung-ho about what we want to achieve that year but as the months progress, [...]
Why profit isn’t the be all and end all
Profit used to be king in so many businesses and companies and for some sectors, it most definitely still is. But for many, there has been a realisation that there is more to running a successful company than just a healthy bottom line. Let's explore why profit isn't the be all and end [...]
How to build a team that lasts: 6 steps for leaders
Leaders are only as good as the team around them which is why great leaders invest heavily in their teams’ growth, happiness and wellbeing. Time and time again I work with a number of leaders who are struggling to establish respect from their team or are finding it tricky to define the balance [...]
Why being a good leader is the key to success
Good leadership leads to good performance – it’s a no brainer. But it’s shocking to see how many unfulfilled people there are because their boss isn’t inspiring. Poor management styles result in low level performance and, ultimately, the bottom-line suffering. Is being a good leader the key to success? Sadly, a lot of [...]
How productivity beats ‘busyness’ with time to spare
Are you very busy? I know a lot of people that are frantically running around professing they’re just too busy to stop, but if you actually ask them what they’re busy with, they often struggle to tell you. There is a huge difference in being busy and being productive. Being productive adds value [...]
Why should purpose matter in your business?
Do you know the purpose of your business or brand? Is it clear in the company you work for or the brand you have built? One of the keys to successful growth in many businesses is knowing their purpose and by this, I mean their aim, what they stand for and strive to [...]
What impact does becoming more productive have on your wellbeing?
Do you ever feel as if you're paddling frantically underneath the water yet never moving forwards? There are definitely positive and negative impacts on your wellbeing by becoming more productive. Most people want more time and to be able to use it better in a world of ‘busyness’. However when facing this personally, [...]
Out of despair can come hope: turning loss into growth
I specialise in productivity and making businesses more efficient but I have my points of procrastination too. Even now as I’m writing this because this isn’t an easy one to share. But it’s an important message – one of rebuilding confidence, resilience, empathy and hope. Mindsetup Ltd was borne out of a [...]